Bitcoin Socratic Seminar #6

Topics for Socratic Seminar #6

It’s almost time for Bitcoin Socratic Seminar #6!

What is a Socratic Seminar?

Inspired by other BitDevs meetups around the US, our Socratic Seminar events are formatted to foster debate, information sharing and lively discussion.

  1. Discussion topics are provided ahead of the event
  2. The event moderator(s) leads the audience through the topics
  3. Raise your hand to grab the mic and participate in the conversation
  4. We go to a bar afterwards

Opening Presentation

Bryan Nonni

First, Bryan Nonni will go over some of the news that you might have missed from the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami Beach.

Discussion Topics

Next, we’ll have a discussion about bitcoin mining, energy, and the environment. This topic concerns a lot of people but is very frequently misunderstood. That’s why we’re bringing in bitcoiner and climate scientist Margot Paez to help us make sense of it. She is a fellow at the Bitcoin Policy Institute and a doctoral candidate at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Bitcoin Policy Institute

About the Bitcoin Policy Institute.

Bitcoin and the Environment

Greening Bitcoin with Incentive Offsets

Article from Troy Cross and Andrew M. Bailey on green mining to secure one’s percentage of bitcoin holdings. Proposed as a fungible alternative to the philosophy of tainted coins.

Read whitepaper here

Adam Back Announces Bitcoin Mining Cooperation with Tesla & Block

Blockstream, Block, and Tesla are partnering to build a fully solar and battery-powered bitcoin mining operation in the USA. Planning to build a dashboard with real-time data about energy used and bitcoin mined.

Bitcoin Water Heaters

Michael Scmid is building a water heater with a bitcoin miner.

Russ proposes cheap material for converting heat to electricity in a bitcoin mining water heater.